Bernd Caspar Dietrich Serie

Bernd Caspar Dietrich Objekt

Träum ich von Paris

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Bernd Caspar Dietrich Serie

Träum ich von Paris

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Träum ich von Paris …

is a very personal story by Bernd Caspar Dietrich. He notes: "... the first time I have seen Christo & Jeanne Claude live was at the wrapping of the Reichstag in Berlin in 1995. Before that, I was only familiar with the projects of the two from books and films and they had not impressed me very much. But now standing in front of them, being a part of the action, blew me away.

In 1995 still without Hella, this changed in 1999 at "The Wall" in Oberhausen. You are standing in front of a wall made of 13,000 oil barrels and it was like a prophecy "you have to overcome this wall, then nothing will stand in the way of happiness" and as it is typical for us, we did not climb up on one side and down on the other ... No, Hella and Bernd put the barrels one after the other and tried to overcome the obstacle ... and the luck was waiting for us. wait.

14 years later, Christo, already without JC, realizes his Big Air Package, again at the Gasometer Oberhausen. It became the revival! Hella, due to her career, knew all media representatives and made it possible that I, even before the official opening, I was allowed to spend 30 minutes alone in the work of art ... I knew what to do!

2016 it happened, Hella&Bernd got married and went on honeymoon, to Christo at the Lago d'Iseo. Floating Piers, a revelation, first we were standing in front of a wall, now we were walking on the water!

A month later I was in intensive care with a brain haemorrhage and now? I have made art since 1976, not badly lived from it what will become of all our plans ... everything over? Not at all, Hella rebuilds everything, gets the right gallery owners, helps in the studio, and takes care of the outside world. Bernd makes art, collectors, gallery owners and media people become from customers to

friends and we learn that Christo's project of the heart, the wrapping of the of the L'Arc de Triomphe is finally to be realized in 2020.

Then Corona came and all our plans, a group trip with friends, a weekend in Paris...were ruined. We drove alone, were standing on a rainy Monday, in front of the eternal flame of the unknown soldier, under the the Arc de Triomphe and kissed.”